phew... just came back from the ECC(Encounter God's Camp)...
very tiring... although today is
1st of MAY, LABOUR DAY,which suppose not to be a tiring day...
but.. tiring...
although i attend the camp officially...
but physically i just doing other stuff at the church...
just doing some lighting stuff..
but something do happen to me which makes me write this blog...
lol... why?
I'M INJURED!!!!!damn painful and sick now...
really ouch...
the case is, i'm doing some stuff beside the other room,
and suddenly someone call me and said that i'm in their group!!
since i quite boring, so i tag them along.
along with the group is Emily(L), Godfrey, Andy, Anny x2,
Fong Ping, Agen, Wei Xian.
well, except Godfrey, i seriously didn't know other guys at all...
overall there are six games to be played,
Pregnant Boy; Long Straw; Tug of War; Last Man Standing;
Fear Factor; and the last: Dragon.
i don't suppose that i should explain what this game are,
lets just go to the 2 interesting part.
Fear Factor + Dragon.
as you know the word 'Fear Factor',
= bug eating, disgusting, smelly thing...
so just put the WORM in your mouth,
eat it, and everything is settle. easy izzit?!
finally, the injured cause... Dragon...
heads eat the tails of their enemy...
i was the tail...
just beginning of the game, in the matter of five second,
i was pound to the table beside..
slam to it, fall down and KA-BOOM!!
we lost... because of me..
and the price is.. i was injured...
seriously... sakit here sakit there now...
but no regret since i get to know more people whom fight
along with us all the time...