Friday, May 8, 2009

The Trapped Stray ANJING

just look at the article in the newspaper makes me feel bad..

well, look at the doggies..
they are just like homeless people that seeking food in others' places..
they are poor..
they are innocent..
they are harmless..
although sometimes they chase and bite you..

although there are 7000 villagers and 2000 doggies on the island..
which makes the doggies are over number the villagers,
and makes the life of villagers annoying..
but none of us have the right,
to just dump them onto a deserted island..
do we? they are also a life form..
it's just like we dumping the beggars to a deserted island,
instead of helping them..

i cant' do much to help the doggies indeed..
just saying out my words..
just look at how cute they are..


1 comment:

Florence said...

those dogs really kesian T.T